Kluster Pengeluaran Nanas Lestari (KNAL)

KNAL Development Project

The Sustainable Pineapple Production Cluster development program (also known as KNAL) is a centrally managed smallholder sector restructuring program through the approach of cooperatives / clusters / organizations or related entities as mini estates by developing pineapple crops from high value varieties for the PREMIUM market with the primary goal of producing high-income pineapple entrepreneurs by 2020;

This program is adapted from the TKPN program which has been implemented by the Department of Agriculture since 2001 which is a program to encourage the implementation of large-scaled, commercial and high-tech agricultural projects by entrepreneurs including the private sector.

  • Creating a permanent production zone / area;
  • Increase food crop production;
  • Develop and increase the involvement of entrepreneurs in the field of commercial production of pineapple crops;
  • Increase participants' net income to at least RM5,000 per month; and
  • Encourage and increase the involvement of the private sector in the production of pineapple crops
Implementation Concept
Business Model
Project Components

Plantation Basic Infrastructure Development

  • Involves cleaning and preparation of area (including lot measurement and division, land survey), border fences, drainage, irrigation system, plantation roads, residential houses for participants, plantation offices and revenue collection centres, stores, agricultural machinery equipment including EIA / EMP and ICT report preparation as well as water and electricity facilities. The maximum assistance rate is RM20,000 per hectare.

Provision of MD2 Plant Material Incentives

  • Provision of MD2 seed incentives (suckers) to individual participants and contract farmers using the sharecropper system approach. Each participant is eligible to receive 20,000 suckers per acre with a maximum limit of 10 acres per participant. Each participant is also required to return the seeds in a ratio of 1: 1 i.e. each (1) seed provided will be returned with 1 seed to MPIB for a period that will be determined.
Project Features

Individual Scale

(a) Involves sole participants @ Individuals;

(b) Working on MPIB-owned lands  or MPIB-leased land with an area of ≤ 4.0 hectares;

(c) Lease or rent land owned by MPIB or MPIB leased land at the prescribed rate;

(d) Work on pineapple planting projects only and must apply plantation management technology in accordance with the Good Agricultural Practices (APB) Standards; and

(e) Have a strong financial position to cover the cost of operating and plantation management as well as employing farm workers;


Commercial Scale

(a) Is a Company or Group or Cooperative that will act as the project leader and shall appoint individuals or sole participants as contract farmers;

(b) Working on MPIB-owned or leased lands with an area of ≥ 50 hectares;

(c) Lease or rent MPIB-owned or leased lands at a prescribed rate;

(d) Implement a pineapple cultivation program through the involvement of KNAL Participants at a ratio of 1: 1 from the total area leased @ rented and each KNAL Participant must be allocated at least 10 acres to be involved in pineapple production;

(e) Have sufficient revolving capital;

(f) Have adequate management and energy resources;

(g) Have basic knowledge of plantation and priority given to strong and experienced companies in agriculture; and

(h) Provide market guarantee of products produced by KNAL Participants.

Criteria and Eligibility

(a)  Malaysian citizen and resident in Malaysia;

(b)  Private ownership @ individuals @ companies;

(c) Must first register with MPIB as a pineapple planter;

(d)  Legal ownership of land;

(e) Prepare in the bank account at least RM20,000 for individual participants and RM 100,000.00 for Leading Companies for the purpose of maintaining working capital; and

(f)  Just work on pineapple plantations only.


Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
Wisma Nanas, No. 5, Jalan Padi Mahsuri
Bandar Baru UDA,
81200 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia

Hotline : 07-236 1211 / 07-236 1012
Fax No : 07-236 5694 / 07-236 5451

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Last update: 18 November 2024 at 20:50:30

Jumlah Pengunjung Disember 2024 : 5449

Jumlah Pengunjung Sehingga Disember 2024 : 725295

© 2024 Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
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