Internal Audit Unit (UAD)


Internal Audit Unit (IAU) have been established in the Malaysian Pineapple Industrial Board (MPIB) in 2008 in accordance with the requirements of Treasury Circular No. 9 of 2004. Internal Audit is part of the internal control components of MPIB and reports directly to the MPIB Director-General.

Internal Audit Unit plays an important role in helping the management in improving MPIB drawback in the management of public money and keep financial records and accounting for determining the financial regulations and related laws are followed. IAU also help in improving the management system and the use of financial resources, personnel, property and others in carrying out the activities / programs to ensure that they are managed efficiently, effectively and economically.


Determined to make the Internal Audit Unit as an efficient unit and continuously strive towards excellence to achieve the objectives and meet the needs of customers and stakeholders, namely by offering high quality services and in a timely maner.


Increasing productivity of work with full attention to the production of high quality work at all levels and the production of audit reports quickly and accurately.

  • Helps MPIB achieve its objectives through a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve effectiveness of controls and governance processes;
  • To assist the MPIB senior management to improve the financial management and compliance with laws, regulations and procedures;
  • To assist MPIB management to determine the programs and activities, managed economically, efficient, effective and appropriate.
  • To assist MPIB management to improve financial management and adherence to the circulars, regulations and procedures;
  • To assist MPIB management to determine the programs and activities are managed in an efficient, effective, appropriate and economical;
  • Review and evaluate the systems and procedures of the organization to ensure adequate and effective internal controls;
  • To review whether the policies, laws and regulations in force are complied with;
  • To provide advice and views on the internal controls of all systems, including ICT system;
  • To review the organization’s assets and interests are protected from loss, fraud and abuse;
  • To monitor on agencies acquisitions are in accordance with the SPP No. 12/2007
  • Present findings and recommendations of the audit by the reports of independent, objective and timely manner to increase accountability and financial management;
  • Follow up on the report and audit observations raised by the National Audit Department;
  • To monitor and audit / inspection of the financial and projects development;
  • Submit reports to the Audit Board, the Audit Committee, Chief Director and Governance Committee and Integrity (GCI);
  • Preparing Annual Audit Plan to the Audit Committee for approval;
  • Preparing Annual Audit Report and distribute it to the MPIB top management.
Client Charter

We pledge to:

  • Conduct audits in a fair and equitable without “fear or favor;
  • To issue independent audit reports, objective and in timely manner;
  • Provide constructive criticism and suggestions to improve the performance of the financial management system and the level of public accountability.
Type of Audit

Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board Internal Audit Unit conduct 5 types of audit as follows:

  1. Performance Audit – Audit the performance evaluation of the implementation of programs, activities and MPIB development projects. The goal is to determine whether the management or use of resources such as managing public funds, property, personnel and office space in a perfect way, appropriate, effective, efficient and economic as well as achieving the objectives set program.
  2. Financial Management Audit – Audited financial management audit approach for determining the existence of its adequacy and integrity of internal controls and compliance with rules and laws that are set. The purpose of these audits is to ensure that all payments and receipts are justified and properly accounted for, the results imposed, collected and properly accounted for and property / inventory stored, controlled, maintained and disposed of in accordance with proper procedures. In addition, the Financial Management Audit also determine whether the accounting system, document and records can produce timely and accurate information for the use by senior management.
  3. Special Instructions Auditing – Auditing is carried out from time to time on the orders of management.
  4. Surprise Inspections – Audit presence or surprise audits conducted to create awareness among the auditee that the management is constantly monitoring the level of their compliance with financial regulations. This program does not involve substantive examination because the time taken should not exceed one day for each PTJ / PK revised.
  5. Follow-up Audits – to assess whether corrective actions have been taken by the division / state offices / units to points raised during the previous audit carried out. Audit to ensure that every issue and concern raised by the Internal Audit Unit has taken appropriate action by the auditee may be. This type of audit is carried out within 1-2 years after the first full audit was made.
Organisation Structure
Penolong JuruauditW2911
Penolong Pegawai Ehwal Ekonomi,E2911
Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian / Operasi)N1911


Organisation Chart

Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
Wisma Nanas, No. 5, Jalan Padi Mahsuri
Bandar Baru UDA,
81200 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia

Hotline : 07-236 1211 / 07-236 1012
Fax No : 07-236 5694 / 07-236 5451

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Last update: 18 November 2024 at 20:50:30

Jumlah Pengunjung Januari 2025 : 5449

Jumlah Pengunjung Sehingga Januari 2025 : 730744

© 2025 Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
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