“Commitment to our service with full of friendliness, concern, trustworthy, efficient, and punctual”
We promise to:
- Approve a complete Skim Bantuan Penanaman Nanas (Pineapple Planting Assistance Grant Scheme) application within a period of Six (6) weeks.
- Issue Certificate of Registration as a pineapple manufacturer and sub-manufacturer within a period of Four (4) weeks from the date received of complete application.
- Issue certificate as a Fresh Pineapple Transporter and Retailer within a period of One (1) week from the date received of complete application.
- Certify and approve the Approval Permit (AP) for exporting of pineapple products, fresh and ornamental pineapple in not more than One (1) working day.
- Issue Certificate of Registration as Canned Pineapple Exporter within a period of One (1) week from the date received of complete application.
- Issue Quality Certification /Certificate of Health for pineapple-based products within a period of Three (3) weeks from the date the application is received.
- To approve applications to become registered entrepreneurs within four (4) weeks from the receipt of the complete application.
- To provide feedback from the montoring conducted by officers to the entrepreneur’s premise within one (1) week after the monitoring visit date.
- To provide feedback on business matching for fresh products and SMEs within One (1) week effective from the request date.
- Issue cheque payments to all companies and individuals dealing with MPIB within a period of One (1) week from the bill and invoice of complete application.