Client Charter

Commitment to our service with full of friendliness, concern, trustworthy, efficient, and punctual”

We promise to:

  1. Approve a complete Skim Bantuan Penanaman Nanas (Pineapple Planting Assistance Grant Scheme) application within a period of Six (6) weeks.
  2. Issue Certificate of Registration as a pineapple manufacturer and sub-manufacturer within a period of Four (4) weeks from the date received of complete application.
  3. Issue certificate as a Fresh Pineapple Transporter and Retailer within a period of One (1) week from the date received of complete application.
  4. Certify and approve the Approval Permit (AP) for exporting of pineapple products, fresh and ornamental pineapple in not more than One (1) working day.
  5. Issue Certificate of Registration as Canned Pineapple Exporter within a period of One (1) week from the date received of complete application.
  6. Issue Quality Certification /Certificate of Health for pineapple-based products within a period of Three (3) weeks from the date the application is received.
  7. To approve applications to become registered entrepreneurs within four (4) weeks from the receipt of the complete application.
  8. To provide feedback from the montoring conducted by officers to the entrepreneur’s premise within one (1) week after the monitoring visit date.
  9. To provide feedback on business matching for fresh products and SMEs within One (1) week effective from the request date.
  10. Issue cheque payments to all companies and individuals dealing with MPIB within a period of One (1) week from the bill and invoice of complete application.

Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
Wisma Nanas, No. 5, Jalan Padi Mahsuri
Bandar Baru UDA,
81200 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia

Hotline : 07-236 1211 / 07-236 1012
Fax No : 07-236 5694 / 07-236 5451

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Last update: 18 November 2024 at 20:50:30

Jumlah Pengunjung Disember 2024 : 5449

Jumlah Pengunjung Sehingga Disember 2024 : 725295

© 2024 Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
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