Roles & Strategies

Roles of MPIB

The Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (MPIB) plays an important role in regulating and advancing the national pineapple industry for it to continue to be relevant in contributing significantly to the economy of the country by focusing on: –

  1. Increasing the contribution of the pineapple industry to the country’s economy;
  2. Making the country’s pineapple industry a competitive and sustainable industry globally; and
  3. Increasing the national pineapple export market share.
Strategies of MPIB
  1. Increase commercial production of pineapple especially for export purposes;
  2. To stabilize the pineapple crop area and increase Malaysia’s pineapple production;
  3. Expanding fresh market networks and products through new market ventures;
  4. Increase production of high quality plant material, disease resistance and high productivity;
  5. Develop a pineapple-based industry.

This is a block of text. Double-clSpicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Pork loin tongue short loin short ribs, doner ham hock salami. Doner sirloin corned beef, burgdoggen landjaeger capicola meatball pork belly beef ribs. Pork chop beef corned beef frankfurter. Beef ribs bacon ball tip, spare ribs pancetta jerky pork belly tail. Ball tip tail alcatra pork loin burgdoggen, kielbasa landjaeger. Ground round hamburger tongue, sirloin leberkas pork loin prosciutto chuck cow short loin rump shank filet mignon pork chislic.ick this text to edit it.

Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board
Wisma Nanas, No. 5, Jalan Padi Mahsuri
Bandar Baru UDA,
81200 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia

Hotline : 07-236 1211 / 07-236 1012
Fax No : 07-236 5694 / 07-236 5451

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Last update: 15 March 2024 at 07:52:22

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